
Urban Academy’s tips to Nordic CityMaking Week 15.-19.9.2020

28 elokuun 2020

Nordic CityMaking Week 2020 invites all people interested in the future of our Nordic cities to share experiences in how to make our cities more livable, sustainable and inclusive.

Many of Urban Academy´s partners are participating in Nordic CityMaking Week, which is a week full of seminars, roundtable talks and workshops, as well as numerous site visits. The Hosting Cities of Nordic CityMaking Week 2020 are the City of Helsinki and the City of Vantaa, and the Main Partners KONE and NCC. The event is initiated and produced by Urban Practice.



We collected here some interesting spots of the week´s program where Urban Academy´s partners are taking part. You can see the hole week´s program here.

On Tuesday, September 15, 11:00–12.30 Helsinki Institute of Urban and Regional Studies Urbaria will organize Urban Lunch Hour meeting with the title Urban Aesthetics. In a seminar Fellow Sanna Lehtinen from Aalto University speaks on the topic: Why do we need to talk about beauty? The second speech is held by Leading Specialist Henna Helander from the City of Helsinki. The title of her presentation is: Beauty in the City – is there Space for Architecture? Urban Lunch Hour is a meeting of urban researchers from multidisciplinary backgrounds. You can join the online seminar by this link.

On Wednesday, September 16, two different neighborhoods and two approaches to change are to be looked at in Vantaa. In Aviapolis Nordic urbanity for the 2020’s will be imagined while discussing how a sense-of-place in a brand-new area will be created. In Myyrmäki, tools to bridge ‘top-down’ development to ‘bottom-up’ actions will be developed on site. Read more here.

On Friday, September 18, 9:00–12:00, learnings of the Nordic CityMaking Week are to be shared in the Conclusions conference. Friday´s conference is hosted by Hanna Harris from the City of Helsinki and Katja Lindroos from Urban Practice. Participating in the conference are Aija Staffans from Aalto Living+ Platform, Karla Lindahl from KONE and Timo Rämö from NCC. The main keynote speech will be held by the Norwegian Jenny Osuldsen from Snøhetta. Read more here.

As a reminder we would like to remind that Urban Academy will organize a Morning Coffee Event called Recreating Shopping Malls in Cities on September 14. It is a pre-event for Nordic CityMaking Week and the event is organized online with speakers from Aalto University, Helsinki City Museum and the City of Helsinki. The Morning Coffee Event leads to discussion how shopping malls could be developed as part of sustainable suburbs.

Photo: Future Aviapolis, Vantaa / visualisation © Mandaworks