Urban Academy morning coffee event: Recreating Shopping Malls in Cities 14.9.2020
Welcome to discuss how shopping malls could be developed as part of sustainable suburbs. What opportunities do shopping malls have, now and in the future, to rise to a new boom?
Time: Monday 14 September from 9 am to 10.30 am
Place: Zoom-meeting
Join the Zoom meeting from this link.
Meeting ID: 891 7954 7118
9.00 Welcome
9.05 Ethnic retail, a place-maker? A spontaneous making of meanings for the city left-overs! Lecturer, Architect Hossam Hewidy, Aalto University
9:30 Architecturally, historically and socially valuable shopping center: In the beginning of the new phase, Unit Manager, architect Anri Linden, Urban Environment Division, City of Helsinki & Head of cultural environment Sari Saresto, Helsinki City Museum
9:50 Designing future shopping centres – the importance of place and community, Chief Design Officer Hanna Harris, City of Helsinki
10:10 Discussion
Recreating Shopping Malls in Cities morning coffee event is a pre-event for the Nordic CityMaking Week and is produced by Urban Academy and the City of Helsinki.
The event is open to everyone – whether you are a professional, student, resident or community activist. Warmly welcome!
Photo Pekka Vyyhtinen / Helsinki City Museum