Aihe / Topic |
5. Investigating nitrogen deposition from domestic dogs in an urban park
Kuvaus / Description |
The purpose of this study is to investigate the current nitrogen (N) inputs to Hallainvuori, an area of remnant pine forest about ~50 ha in size located ~1.5 km east of the University of Helsinki campus in Viikki. Domestic dogs are a significant source of N in urban greespaces. In this project we will examine the current levels of N in the soils and foliage at the site, as well as their stable isotopic ratios to determine the N contribution of dogs to the area and whether or not this isotopic signature can be observed in plant tissues. As a MSc student you will conduct field work at Hallainvuori to collect soil and vegetation samples, and you will also have the opportunity to work in the University’s Alma Environmental Laboratory in Lahti, gaining hands-on experience with basic soil sample processing and analyses, and with the statistical analysis of laboratory data. Field work will take place in the late summer or early autumn of 2023. |
Toivottu aloitusaika / Preferred time of beginning |
06/03/2023 |
Mahdollisuus harjoitteluun / Internship Opportunity |
Ei / no |
Mahdollisuus palkkion tai palkan maksuun / Possibiity to pay a fee or salary |
Ei / no |
Ilmoituksen viimeinen voimassaolo / The topic offer is valid till |
31/12/2023 |
Opiskelualat / Field of Studies |
Environmental science and ecology |
Organisaatio / Organization |
Urban Ecosystems Research Group/University of Helsinki |
Yhteyshenkilö / Contact Person |
John Allen / Heikki Setälä |
Sähköposti / Email |
| |