Aihe / Topic

24. Time/future awareness in climate action

Kuvaus / Description
  Our abilities to change our behaviour rests partly on the trajectories we are able to understand. As the climate crisis is a slowly worsening condition that require action to avoid harmful futures, a master’s thesis could open up time or future awareness in climate action and attitudes based on DeCarbon-Home project’s survey and interviews on what kind of future climates do experts and/or citizens perceive in different timespans to answer what kind of cities should we plan for future societies.
Toivottu aloitusaika / Preferred time of beginning
Mahdollisuus harjoitteluun / Internship Opportunity
  Ei / no
Mahdollisuus palkkion tai palkan maksuun / Possibiity to pay a fee or salary
  Ei / no
Ilmoituksen viimeinen voimassaolo / The topic offer is valid till
Opiskelualat / Field of Studies
  Urban studies and planning, geography, social sciences, environmental studies
Organisaatio / Organization
  University of Helsinki/DeCarbon-Home project
Yhteyshenkilö / Contact Person
  Joni Vainikka
Sähköposti / Email
Puhelin / Phone