Aihe / Topic

22. Differentiation of housing preferences and attitudes

Kuvaus / Description
  In DeCarbon-Home project, a large survey data was collected in 2022 about housing issues and climate change. A descriptive analysis of housing aspirations and satisfaction of the respondents has already been done, but any further analysis of differences in them by background factors has not yet been made. Hence, a master’s thesis could use the data to examine how the housing aspirations and preferences (+ attitudes towards climate-wise housing) of the Finnish public differentiate by e.g. education and income levels.
Toivottu aloitusaika / Preferred time of beginning
Mahdollisuus harjoitteluun / Internship Opportunity
  Ei / no
Mahdollisuus palkkion tai palkan maksuun / Possibiity to pay a fee or salary
  Ei / no
Ilmoituksen viimeinen voimassaolo / The topic offer is valid till
Opiskelualat / Field of Studies
  Urban studies, geography, social sciences
Organisaatio / Organization
  University of Helsinki/DeCarbon-Home project
Yhteyshenkilö / Contact Person
  Joni Vainikka
Sähköposti / Email
Puhelin / Phone