Aihe / Topic

Pollinators et al. – POLLINATOR StreETs as vital connections to maintain functional urban areas

Kuvaus / Description
  This is an opportunity to work with pollinators in an urban setting and be part of a European project, in which we will investigate the pollinator communities of several cities in different parts of Europe. This pro gradu project consists of site selection and fieldwork in Helsinki, sampling of bee communities using pan-traps, identification of bees and analysis of the data collected here. The chosen candidate will learn about the bee fauna of the city, research methods for entomological research, data management and analysis. No funding is available for salary but we can support in the preparation of funding applications.
Toivottu aloitusaika / Preferred time of beginning
Mahdollisuus harjoitteluun / Internship Opportunity
  Ei / no
Mahdollisuus palkkion tai palkan maksuun / Possibiity to pay a fee or salary
  Ei / no
Ilmoituksen viimeinen voimassaolo / The topic offer is valid till
Opiskelualat / Field of Studies
  Environmental Sciences, Biology
Organisaatio / Organization
  University of Helsinki
Yhteyshenkilö / Contact Person
  Stephen Venn
Sähköposti / Email
Puhelin / Phone