Aihe / Topic

Immigrants and urban housing diversity: a comparative study of non-native population groups in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area

Kuvaus / Description
Utilizing existing statisitical data, this thesis project focuses on comparing housing choices and reallities among major non-native/immigrant groups in the metropolitan Helsinki area. The thesis is part of the ongoing Housing & migration -research project, led by Haoxuan Sa, Jani Vuolteenaho & Mari Vaattovaara. We expect adequate skills in descrptive statistics and GIS.
Toivottu aloitusaika / Preferred time of beginning
Mahdollisuus harjoitteluun / Internship Opportunity
Kyllä / yes
Mahdollisuus palkkion tai palkan maksuun / Possibiity to pay a fee or salary
Ei / no
Ilmoituksen viimeinen voimassaolo / The topic offer is valid till
Opiskelualat / Field of Studies
Urban Studies, Planning, Human Geography, Social Sciences
Organisaatio / Organization
University of Helsinki
Yhteyshenkilö / Contact Person
Jani Vuolteenaho
Sähköposti / Email
Puhelin / Phone