New ideas for Teurastamo-Tukkutori: WINTER GARDEN sustainable food hub
The group “Winter Garden” was the winner of this year’s Helsinki Climathon challenge organized 26-27 October 2018. The jury selected the winning solution from the 8 participating teams. The winning team had members from University of Helsinki and Aalto University.
Climathon is a global 24-hour climate change hackathon, which takes place simultaneously in major cities around the world. Helsinki Climathon challenge 2018 was how to develop the Tukkutori and Teurastamo district, an old wholesale, warehouse and abattoir area located in the heart of Helsinki, to become an urban food hub serving the local neighborhoods and the leader for a sustainable food revolution in the whole city?
The winning team “Winter Garden” presented a solution for the Tukkutori (Helsinki Wholesale Market) where the yard area is covered and turned into a greenhouse with plant and vegetable farming. The Winter Garden is also a whole-year-round food market and testbed and playground for Teurastamo’s new food-preneurs. In the summer time the roof can be opened for open air farming and events. The team is encouraged to take part in the Tukkutori Testbeds Innovation competition open till 19 November and to develop their idea further.
The winners with their solution Winter Garden are awarded by the jury members Oona Haapakorpi (Omnia Education), Iina Oilinki (City of Helsinki), Hanna Tuomisto (University of Helsinki) and Jouni Spets (City of Helsinki).
EIT Climate-KICs Climathon brings together the challenges of world cities with the people who have the passion and ability to solve them. Innovators and entrepreneurs all over the world actively participate in their own cities by providing innovative solutions to local climate change problems. This year was the fourth year for the global Climathon event.
Read more about Climathon: https://climathon.climate-kic.org/en/
Text: Annina Ala-Outinen
Photos: Barbara Radaelli-Muuronen and Kati Vierikko